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3. 发表论文
[1] Lan Gao,Junling Chen,Jing Gao,Hongda Wang,WenyongXiong,Super-resolution microscopy reveals the reorganization of GLUT4 on plasma membrane regulated by insulin resistance,Journal of cell science. jcs.192450.2016. (IF:4.431)
[2] Z. Zhang,Lan Gao*,C. Shen,M. Rong, X. Yan,L. Ren,A potent anti-thrombosis peptide (vasotab TY) from horsefly salivary glands,International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 54 (2014) 83–88. (IF:3.505; *Co-first author)
[3] Qinghua Kong,Lan Gao*,YanfenNiu,PianchouGongpan,Yan Li,WenyongXiong,RACK1 is required for adipogenesis,American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology (2016) (IF:3.602;*Co-first author)
[4] Junling Chen,Tianzhou Liu,Jing Gao,Lan Gao,Lulu Zhou,MingjunCai,Yan Shi,Junguang Jiang,Ti Tong,Hongda Wang,Variation in carbohydrates between cancer and normal cell membranes revealed by super-resolution fluorescence imaging,Advanced Science (2016) (IF:9.034).