朱华龙,1992年生,医学博士,校聘副教授,硕士研究生导师。2022年6月博士毕业于安徽医科大学。主要研究方向为:环境毒物与生殖发育毒理学。主持安徽省高等学校科学研究重点项目1项,安徽医科大学公共卫生学院2022-2023高峰学科建设项目1项,国家级大创1项,参与国家自然科学基金 2 项(已结题 1 项)、安徽省杰青项目1项。以第一作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials, Redox Biology, Environment International, Science of the Total Environment 等杂志发表SCI论文 11 篇(2021 IF>10 共 5 篇;中科院1区论文 9 篇)。联系方式:zhuhualongdev@126.com。
2. 教育经历
3. 工作经历
4. 主持与参加科研项目
(1) 安徽省教育厅高校自然科学研究重点项目,孕期母体镉暴露抑制子代睾丸睾酮合成的胎盘病因机制,2023.01至2024.12,10万元,在研,主持;
(2) 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院2022-2023高峰学科建设项目,孕期母体镉暴露诱发子代睾丸睾酮合成障碍及其机制研究,2022-7至2023-7,10万元,在研,主持;
(3) 安徽医科大学引进人才启动经费,2022 – 2026,万元,在研,主持;
(4) 大学生创新创业训练国家级项目, 202110366043, 内质网自噬介导雌激素合成障碍在镉损害胎鼠生长中的作用及其机制, 2022-1至2024-12, 1万元, 在研, 主持;
(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,81973079,内质网PERK/ATF4信号调控的线粒体自噬在镉抑制胎盘孕酮合成与分泌中的作用,2020-01-01至2022-12-31,55万元,在研,参与。
(6) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,82273664,胎盘雌激素减少在孕期母体镉暴露持续损害子代睾丸发育与精子发生中的作用及其机制,2023-01-01至2026-12-31,52万元,在研,参与。
5. 代表性SCI论文
[1] Zhu HL (朱华龙), Dai LM, Xiong YW, et al. Gestational exposure to environmental cadmium induces placental apoptosis and fetal growth restriction via Parkin-modulated MCL-1 degradation. J Hazard Mater. 2021; 424 (Pt A): 127268. (2021IF=14.22)
[2] Zhu HL (朱华龙), Shi XT, Xu XF, et al. Environmental cadmium exposure induces fetal growth restriction via triggering PERK-regulated mitophagy in placental trophoblasts. Environ Int. 2021; 147: 106319. (2021IF=13.35)
[3] Zhu HL (朱华龙), Shi XT, Xu XF, et al. Melatonin protects against environmental stress-induced fetal growth restriction via suppressing ROS-mediated GCN2/ATF4/BNIP3-dependent mitophagy in placental trophoblasts. Redox Biol. 2021; 40: 101854. (2021IF=10.79)
[4] Zhu HL (朱华龙), Xu XF, Shi XT, et al. Activation of autophagy inhibits cadmium-triggered apoptosis in human placental trophoblasts and mouse placenta. Environ Pollut. 2019; 254: 112991. (2021IF=9.99)
[5] Xiong YW, Xu XF, Zhu HL (朱华龙, 共同第一), et al. Environmental exposure to cadmium impairs fetal growth and placental angiogenesis via GCN-2-mediated mitochondrial stress. J Hazard Mater. 2021; 401: 123438. (2021IF=14.22)
[6] Yi SJ, Xiong YW, Zhu HL (朱华龙, 共同第一), et al. Environmental cadmium exposure during pregnancy causes diabetes-like phenotypes in mouse offspring: Association with oxidative stress in the fetal liver. Sci Total Environ. 2021;777:146006. (2021IF=10.75)
[7] Zhou GX, Zhu HL (朱华龙, 共同第一), Shi XT, et al. Autophagy in Sertoli cell protects against environmental cadmium-induced germ cell apoptosis in mouse testes. Environ Pollut. 2021; 270: 116241. (2021IF=9.99)
[8] Shi XT, Zhu HL (朱华龙, 共同第一), Xu XF, et al. Gestational cadmium exposure impairs placental angiogenesis via activating GC/GR signaling [published online ahead of print, 2021 Aug 16]. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021;224:112632. (2021IF= 7.129)
[9] Xiong YW, Zhu HL (朱华龙, 共同第一), Nan Y, et al. Maternal cadmium exposure during late pregnancy causes fetal growth restriction via inhibiting placental progesterone synthesis. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2020, 187:109879. (2021IF= 7.129)
[10] Liu WB, Zhu HL (朱华龙, 共同第一), Xiong YW, et al. Environmental cadmium exposure during gestation impairs fetal brain and cognitive function of adult offspring via reducing placenta-derived E2 level [published online ahead of print, 2022 Jul 11]. Chemosphere. 2022; 307 (Pt 1):135668. (2021IF= 8.94)
[11] Shi XT, Zhu HL (朱华龙, 共同第一), Xiong YW, et al. Cadmium down-regulates 11β-HSD2 expression and elevates active glucocorticoid level via PERK/p-eIF2α pathway in placental trophoblasts. Chemosphere. 2020; 254: 126785. (2021IF=8.94)